Million Mile Challenge | Schoolchildren for Children | Charity


Million Mile Charity Challenge

Schoolchildren for Children

Million Mile Charity Challenge

EWP Home Page
Schoolchildren for Children is a charity that aims both to promote sport and support children in need at the same time. The charity supports a variety of projects, the main one being funding children and schools in deprived slum areas of Nairobi. To view the List of Projects currently being supported click on the link.

Various "Challenges" are the key to the fundraising programme. Each challenge has a sporting or achievement aspect to it. The "Kilimanjaro Challenge" has been sent up for participants in 2013 to aim at the target of £3000 money for aid projects.

EWP will contribute £1 towards the charity for every person completing one of our treks.

Should anyone like to contribute more they are most welcome to make their extra donation via the "Schoolchildren for Children" website Donation Page.

Neema school