Fann Mountains of Tajikistan

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Fann Mountains - Lake Kulikalon
EWP Fann Mountain Trek

Fanskie Gory
Trip Details
Fann Mountains of Tajikistan

Samarkand lies just on the edges of the great Kara Kum desert that stretches all the way westward to the Caspian Sea. Just to the east of Samarkand the land rises abruptly in great snowy ridges leading up to the high peaks of the Pamir. The Fann Mountains are generally composed of limestones and have green sparsely wooded valleys and magnificent glaciated summits. They boast some of the best mountain weather - combining dry sunny summers with enough snowfall to maintain the snowfields and glaciers and to feed the numerous rivers and lakes famous for their colours and beauty. Lake Kulikalon is located in a flat valley dotted with blue lakes of crystal clear water set amongst small stands of giant juniper forest.

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ALW 16/6/05